Sinnes Studie I, 2024

Objects (multiple) | casted glass

'Sinnes Studie I' (engl. 'Sensory Study I') (2024) is a form- and object-study that is part of the artists ongoing exploration of the human body as both a communicative antenna and a gathering vessel. Every living being, whether human or non-human, exists in this world as both an individual microorganism and a component of various macro-organisms. These macro-organisms encompass everything from the human race inhabiting our planet to smaller communities like workplaces or families.

The body, which carries within itself every experience ever encountered, remains open and porous to the world, constantly engaged in an exchange and dialogue with its surroundings. Our senses, along with the borders of our skin, serve as liminal spaces—thresholds between the self and the external world. Each of our senses possesses qualities of reaching, receiving, or even both, allowing them to gather new information and share what has already been learned.